Off-The-Shelf Hiring

Imagine if recruitment was as easy as defining role-based requirements and then choosing a suitable pre-vetted and technically evaluated candidate off the shelf as if you were shopping for any commodity. No more job postings, endless sourcing, interviewing, and disappearing of potential candidates. Off-the-shelf hiring would enable effortless talent acquisition for your organization and allow for frictionless growth. We have been working hard at MOWS to make this a reality.
Challenges In Current Recruitment Practices
Recruiting an IT professional in today's world requires more than just posting an intriguing job ad and waiting for candidates to rush in. There is no influx of (quality) candidates into most open positions for a few major reasons:
- Candidates do not want to spend too much time applying and interviewing for jobs.
- Candidates want details (including salary information) on a position before applying.
- Candidates are not aware of all possible openings, especially at organizations with little to no brand recognition.
Two out of three of these issues cannot be solved by any organization on their own, but by outsourcing candidate sourcing and interviewing to a central pool from which potential candidates can be chosen for direct offers solves these issues and improves the recruitment experience for everyone.
The pool – you guessed it – already exists at MOWS. We have numerous developers with various levels of seniority, waiting for you to make an offer.
Easy Hiring With MOWS
We pride ourselves on making the recruitment experience pleasant for both the candidate and the hiring organization.
Candidates no longer have to go through multiple recruitment processes just to receive a low-balled offer after the final interview round, minimizing wasted time and resulting in happier candidates.
Organizations no longer have to arrange multiple interviews just to sift through candidates who may have exaggerated their experience or skills on their resumes or are otherwise unfit for the position, resulting in saved resources and release of talent related hindrance to growth.
We source and technically evaluate candidates so that the hiring organization is only required to select promising candidates from our pool and make direct offers to them. There is a possibility for a cultural interview, but the goal is to make recruitment as frictionless as possible by removing unnecessary steps from the process.
If the candidate is deemed unfit for the position during an employment trial period, MOWS offers the hiring organization a new recruit free of charge.
Efficient Recruitment Of Today
Our team is ready to assist you in your organization's recruitment needs. Just call us or drop us a message.
We will help you hire the special talent that enables future growth for your organization.